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Ghost Ranch: Chimney Rock and beyond

Fri, 2021-11-26
Bill Priedhorsky
Leader Email: 
Are dogs allowed?: 
Not allowed

Let's get out on the day after Thanksgiving, Friday the 26th, for a bit of an explore around Ghost Ranch. We will take the trail up to Chimney Rock, then hike along the mesa top north or south (we'll figure out when we get there). This will be an explore off the beaten path. We might return the way we came, or if we feel ambitious, we can make a loop of it and return via Box Canyon.

We will leave Los Alamos at 8 AM, so as to start the hike about when Ghost Ranch opens at 9:00. Bring a lunch, water, sunscreen, and clothes appropriate for the weather. Admittance to Ghost Ranch for hiking costs $10 - please register and pay at I expect to be out until mid-afternoon or so, so we might not get back to Los Alamos until dark. We can discuss carpooling, but will probably limit it to familes and close friends.

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