Are you a winter backcountry enthusiast? Do you earn your turns by climbing the hills to ski or board down? Is a snowshoe to a remote location something that interests you? Have you considered visiting a hut in the wintertime? If you answered yes to any of these questions, you should ask yourself, what do I know about avalanches? What do I know about transceivers? Probably more importantly what do I know about my partners ability to use a transceiver? Well, grab your avalanche kit and your partners(s) and come out and enjoy a day of snow-play at the start of the season. Plenty of better snow days are coming.
Los Alamos participants will plan on leaving from the LANB Parking Lot (across from the Smith’s Gas Station) at 07:30, meeting White Rock participants and departing the Y parking area at 07:45. Santa Fe participants can meet the group at Espanola Valley Hospital parking area in Espanola at 08:00.
Both skiers and snowshoers are welcome. If necessary , we will divide into appropriate groups
Location: We will conduct this activity on the slopes along the Spruce Hole Road off of Co Hwy 17 a bit North of Chama, NM. We will meet at the TH (37.08011 -106.38491) while gearing up
Planned Activities:
Be prepared for a day in the winter backcountry: appropriate cloths, lunch, water, hot drink, etc. If you have any questions regarding gear, contact the trip leader. You also need a standard kit for traveling in the winter backcountry: transceiver, shovel and probe. I will be checking out some of the club's equipment, so please let me know if you need anything.
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