The September Mountaineers meeting will feature a talk by Zack Baker entitled “Packrafting the Continental Divide Trail (not really!)”, on Tuesday evening, September 28.
Video recording here:
Join PEEC and the Los Alamos Mountaineers for a presentation of packrafting -- small, inflatable kayaks that can be 'packed' into a backpack and easily carried to adventures. Zack will show you how to get into the sport, the equipment required, and how wet you should expect to be. Then, you'll see various dramatic photographs and hear stories of packrafting trips from Banff to local spots in New Mexico.
Mountaineers’ meetings are held on the fourth Tuesday of every month. When held in person, they take place in the planetarium of the Pajarito Environmental Education Center (PEEC), 2600 Canyon Rd, Los Alamos, NM 87544. Recent meetings have been held electronically starting at 7:00 PM; the Mountaineers are considered when and how to return to in-person meetings. Registration details can be found at
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