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La Garita summit

Sun, 2021-08-08
Bill Priedhorsky
Leader Email: 
Are dogs allowed?: 
Not allowed

This is a hike with big views that climbs the northern rim of the Valles caldera. It can be found on page 87 of Coco Rae's book; she says "a popular out and back trail that climbs up an old jeep road through forested groves and high elevation meadows to the northern rim of the caldera, finishing at an open meadow and rewarding your efforts with stunning, sweeping views of the preserve." The hike is 7.6 miles rt and 1902 feet ascent. We will need to get backcountry permits at the Valles entry station, and should carpool from town or at least from the entrance station to minimize the number of those permits. We will leave Los Alamos at 8 AM Sunday morning, and arrange carpooling via email as we plan the trip. The weather looks promising at this point. I expect this to be an all day trip; bring lunch, water, sun protection, and clothes for whatever the weather throws at us. Please ask to come only if you are fully vaccinated.

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