Sunday August 8, 2021: this ride requires a car shuttle to the Valles Caldera in the morning. Ride will be limited to 16 individuals.
Bike 19 miles from Parajito Mountain to the Valles Caldera NP visitor center (Guaje canyon trail to pipeline road, VC04, VC02 to visitor center).
All riders to be ready to participate in the shuttle.
Expected ride time: 5 hours. Driving: 30 minutes each way.
Relaxed pace,riding as a group.
Please make sure your bike is in good working condition with air in the tires.
Helmet required. Bring a rain jacket, spare tube that fits, plenty of water, snacks.
Under 16 year old must have a parent or guardian signature.
Please email by Thursday 8/5/2021 if you would like to sign up and include how many bikes you can carry on your vehicle. I will send details including the shuttle plan on Friday 8/6.
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