The May Mountaineers meeting will feature a talk by BJ Orozco entitled “Llama Packing in the Escalante Country” on Tuesday evening, May 25.
BJ has spent more than twenty years guiding in the red rock wilderness of southern Utah, most recently as proprietor of his company Llama2Boot. Many a time, the Mountaineers have been his clients. In his presentation, he will tell about the llamas – workers, retirees, and up and coming youngsters - and why they are so suitable for the desert backcountry. He will share stories of the trips he has taken, and the country he has traversed. Even seemingly straightforward trips require careful planning and organization, as he will explain. The rewards are many - BJ and his clients have experienced flash floods, animal sightings, and celestial events on occasion, and wonderful scenery and adventure every time. Llama packing is an adventure that can be shared by many, and BJ will explain how one can take part.
Mountaineers’ meetings are held on the fourth Tuesday of every month. When held in person, they take place in the planetarium of the Pajarito Environmental Education Center (PEEC), 2600 Canyon Rd, Los Alamos, NM 87544. Recent meetings have been held electronically starting at 7:00 PM. Registration details for this meeting can be found at
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