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Nambe Badland moderate hike

Sun, 2021-04-11
Olivia Li
703-386-6924 (prefer text)
Leader Email: 
Are dogs allowed?: 
Not allowed

About half of hour from Los Alamos, there is a large BLM area of barren but interesting mud-rock formation and mesa well worth exploring. There are no formal trails but adequate tracks to hike with the GPS guiding us. There are some short steep climbs with dropoffs but not with loose rocks. There is no shade. Please dress accordingly to cope with possible wind and the heat. Bring hat, hiking poles, sunscreen, water, lunch and snacks. We should be done hopefully before early afternoon. 

5+ miles with a few hundred feet of ups and downs. Credit for this hike goes to Salzman's book Hiking Adventures in Northern New Mexico.

Meeting time: 8:30 in Los Alamos, location TBA, or 9am at trailhead (please contact leader for driving direction). 

Limit to 8 hikers. 

All Covid precautions apply. 




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