Let's head out Saturday morning to hike around the Ojito Wilderness Study Area, in the vicinity of San Ysidro. Per the writeup at https://www.americansouthwest.net/new_mexico/ojito/wilderness-area.html, "features beautiful eroded rock formations including hoodoos, caprocks, cliffs and solidified dunes." This will be a free-form explore, leaving Los Alamos at 8 AM for the approximately 2 hour drive from Los Alamos. We will head through the Jemez. Any Santa Fe or Albuquerque participants would probably travel via Bernalillo. Access to the trailhead requires dirt road travel. Please write Bill at bill@priedhorsky.net if you are interested, and be sure that the word "Ojito" appears somewhere in your note. Participation will be capped at 8-10, and we will follow COVID safe practices.
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