We have so much enthusiastic participation for the Sunday 2/21 trip - this will be a Saturday trip 2/20 to the same area.
I would like to explore the area near to the Grouse Creek Yurt at Cumbres Pass - in hopes of doing a future loop tour in the area.
We will drive to the Grouse Creek trailhead (also intersection of Red Lake Road and highway 17) and ski towards the Grouse Creek yurt. At about 3.5 miles, we will leave the trail/road to search for a route up Jarosa Peak (avoiding avalanche prone slopes). This will be about 1 mile, but it will be thru the woods and not on a trail/road. The return ski will be back to the Grouse Creek yurt trail and back down to the cars. Total distance will be about 9 miles.
X-C touring skis (fish scales, metal edges) are in order for this tour. Bring lunch & water, and layers of clothing. It may be helpful to bring climbing skins.
We will limit the group to 10 people. We will wear masks and social distance. Everyone will need to arrange for their own transportation. We will leave Los Alamos at 7 am and return by 6 pm.
Here is a map of the general area: https://southwestnordiccenter.com/yurts/yurt-to-yurt/
If you are interested, send an email to jeandewart7@gmail.com I will send out a gpx file with the proposed route.
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