The December Mountaineers meeting will feature a potpourri of talks in a virtual version of our traditional holiday event, starting at 7 PM on Tuesday, December 15.
This meeting is held on a special date; usually, Mountaineer's monthly meetings are held on the fourth Tuesday of every month. When held in person, they take place in the planetarium of the Pajarito Environmental Education Center (PEEC), 2600 Canyon Rd, Los Alamos, NM 87544. Recent meetings have been held electronically. Registration for this event is at
The agenda will include:
John Gustafson, “Manassa Mauling”
Mike and Linda Fazio, “RV Trekking the Intermountain West During the Pandemic”
Mags Dale, “Finland Border to Border Ski”
Joy Whittle, “Seven Teacups Canyon”
Melanee Hand, “Canyoneering During a Pandemic”
We expect five great talks. As a preview, here are some highlights:
Manassa Mauling
A relatively nearby crag in Southern Colorado offers seclusion, expansive views, great rock, and a plethora of moderate climbs. John Gustafson will share pictures and thoughts from two treks to the crag.
RV Trekking the Intermountain West During the Pandemic……aka traveling, camping, and hiking while dodging COVID
Nine days, 1450 miles, 3 national parks, and 2 national monuments, across the “Loneliest Road in America.” Mike and Linda Fazio traveled through 5 Western States from California to New Mexico without using any public facilities except for gas pumps.
Finland Border to Border Ski (Rajalta Rajalle Hiihto)
In March 2020 Mags Dale joined 2 friends and 40 new friends to ski the Rajalta Rajalle Hiihto (border to border ski across Finland). The trip was organized by 6 municipalities across the northern Lapland region of Finland. It began northeast of Kuusamo and ended 406 km and 7 days later just north of Tornio.
Seven Teacups Canyon
North of Kernville, Ca the many creeks have carved gorges, deep pools and slides into the granite on it's way to the Kern River. They call one of these canyons "The 7 Tea Cups" and is one of the 7 wonders of the Kern River Sierra list of adventures.
It is noted as one of the best "C" Canyons in the USA and is on many canyoneerer's bucket list. Joy and Rob Whittle descended this canyon in July of this year and will be sharing some photos of this amazing Canyoneering adventure. Perfect thing to do on a hot summer's day!
Joy Whittle on a wet canyoneering descent of Seven Teacups Canyon.
Canyoneering During a Pandemic
Recent nationwide restrictions for out-of-state travel and quarantines can make it difficult to go to the popular destinations for canyoneering, but there are still opportunities in New Mexico. Melanee Hand will give an introduction to the Club’s proposed upcoming session lessons, to insprire members to lead and take part in the the sport.
Melanee Hand descending Pajarito Canyon.
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