While there is still snow, let's snowshoe up Pajarito Mountain on Halloween morning. The purpose is to get out your gear and get ready for winter.
Meet at the Lodge at Pajarito Mountain at 9 am on Halloween morning. If we have more than 5 people, we will break into smaller groups and select different routes up the mountain. Please bring your face mask and we will practice social distancing.
(I hiked up about 1/2 way this morning, and then put on my snowshoes. There is enough snow on the slopes to snowshoe, although there are grass and dirt showing in places. I was able to snowshoe all the way down. On the slopes that they have packed out, one could hike or use yak-tracks)
Bring snowshoes, poles, gaiters, gloves, wool hat, sun hat, sunglasses, sunscreeen, water, some snacks. Dress in layers - it will be warm as we go up.
Hope you can make it (on very short notice!). Jean
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