*This Saturday!
Los Alamos Mountaineers Annual Gear Drive for the Homeless - Rescheduled to Dec 12
Saturday, December 12 from 9am-noon at PEEC (Los Alamos Nature Center) parking lot
(due to the current Shelter-in-Place order, we are rescheduling the drive for December 12)
Please bring your unneeded and intact tents, tarps, sleeping bags, sleeping pads, bivy bags, boots and shoes, wool socks, gloves and mittens, jackets, warm pants, and sweaters for men, women, and children to Los Alamos Nature Center on Saturday. Mary Thompson and Jean Dewart will take all donations to homeless shelters for distribution. Thank you! Any questions, please ask Mary Thompson mary14er@gmail.com . If you are not available on December 12th, call Jean Dewart, 505 412 5424 and we will schedule an alternate drop off.
(we will use masks and social distancing principles while collecting gear. We will isolate the gear for 72 hours prior to distributing)
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