The October Mountaineers meeting will feature a talk by Blake Wood entitled “Caldera Circumnavigation: Exploration of a Valles Caldera Rim Trail Route.”
Dorothy Hoard proposed the establishment of a Valles Caldera Rim Trail in 2009, and suggested an approximate 70 mile route. Since that time, the 2011 Las Conchas Fire significantly changed about half the rim. In May of this year, local runner Blake Wood completed a one-day circumnavigation of the caldera to see if Dorothy's route was still feasible. A month later, he further explored the northern half of this route. Blake will describe what he learned from these outings about where such a trail might be sited, and suggest some hidden gems of hikes in the Caldera.
The Mountaineer's monthly meetings are held on the fourth Tuesday of every month. When held in person, they take place in the planetarium of the Pajarito Environmental Education Center (PEEC), 2600 Canyon Rd, Los Alamos, NM 87544. Recent meetings have been held electronically, starting at 7:00 PM. To register for this meeting, go to
Based on the success of recent electronic meetings, the Mountaineers are considering simulcasting future in-person meetings.
View PEEC's recording of this talk!
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