It looks like Saturday should be a fine autumn day, with the current storm behind us, so let's try a local classic. Pedernal is a landmark visible throughout northern New Mexico, standing as a sentinel at the northern end of the Jemez Mountains. It was Georgia O'Keefe's mountain, painted by her time after time. Its summit is a classic destination; views from its 9,862-foot narrow top are spectacular. It is one of our Peak Challenge summits. Reaching Pedernal takes a two-hour drive from Los Alamos, and a hike of about 8 miles round trip, parking just off the main Forest Service road. A very steep 15-foot rock face requires a short stretch of class 4 climbing. Bring water and lunch, and be prepared for any sort of weather. We will meet in Los Alamos at 8:00 AM to carpool. To join the trip, write Bill at bill at priedhorsky dot net.
Trip participation will be limited consistent with an appropriate trip size, and carpooling will be only as pre-arranged with close friends and family. Please carry a mask that you can put into place when you encounter people on the trail.
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