Lake Fork Peak is on the west side of the cirque that includes Wheeler Peak, and circles Williams Lake above Taos Ski Valley. At 12,881 feet, it is less than 300 feet below the elevation of New Mexico's high point. To explore this summit in the easiest way possible, we will take the summer lift in Taos Ski Valley (lift #4), and start our hike from there. From there, we will hike to Kachina Peak (a sturdy climb of 1000 feet in itself), and traverse along the ridge line to Lake Fork Peak. We will then retrace our steps and ride the lift back down to the base. GIven good weather, we can expect magnificant views of much of northern New Mexico, including the view directly across the cirque to Wheeler Peak. The up and down lift ticket costs around $20; the lift ride saves 1000 feet+ plus of climbing, and the hike down the Ski Valley's somewhat cobbly roads. Anyone not wanting to ride the lift can leave earlier in time to meet us at the top of the lift. We will leave Los Alamos at 7:30 AM and drive to the lift, near the Bavarian Restaurant in Taos Ski Valley. Persons interested please contact Bill Priedhorsky.
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