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Santa Barbara Meadows day hike

Sat, 2020-08-29
Bill Priedhorsky
Leader Email: 
Are dogs allowed?: 
Not allowed

I’d like to propose a day outing from Santa Barbara Campground, following the West Fork of  Santa Barbara River, to the Santa Barbara meadows with views of the Truchas Peaks beyond. This is a hike of 5 miles each way, with a climb of about 1000 feet. It is along a trail all of the way. It should take us about 90 minutes from Los Alamos to the trailhead. Let’s leave Los Alamos at 8:00 AM next Saturday morning, and return in the afternoon or evening. Trip participation will be limited consistent with an appropriate trip size, and carpooling will be only as pre-arranged with close friends and family. Wear a mask that you can put into place when you encounter people on the trail. 

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