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Potrero Chico

Tue, 2020-07-28

The June Mountaineers meeting will feature a talk by Phil Martin on a climbing expedition to Potrero Chico. Some call it a sport climbing paradise, others think it's just a particularly beautiful pile of loose mud. Either way, El Potrero Chico's sheer limestone walls and spires, rising thousands of feet above northern Mexico's Chihuahuan Desert, have been getting bolted for climbing for decades. This January, Phil Martin and a few friends made their way down to Nuevo Leon to experience for themselves this fabled land of inspiring climbs and questionable rock quality. They had a lot go wrong (rockfalls, gear failures, late-night rappels), but even more go right (summits, tacos, friendly street dogs, late-night margaritas). In this presentation, Phil will share some stories from his two weeks in El Potrero Chico.

The Mountaineer's monthly meetings are held on the fourth Tuesday of every month. When held in person, that take place in the planetarium of the Pajarito Environmental Education Center (PEEC), 2600 Canyon Rd, Los Alamos, NM 87544. Recent meetings have been held electronically. To register for this meeting, go to

Based on the success of recent electronic meetings, the Mountaineers are considering simulcasting future in-person meetings.

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