Gym Climbing Overview
Climbing gyms are often available in the event of bad weather and/or evenings, and are an excellent way to stay in shape during the winter.
Many leaders get their first leading experience at gyms. The routes are generally well protected, and the falls seldom result in injuries.
Local options include:
Los Alamos Family YMCA Climbing Gym
"The Wall"
1450 Iris Street, Los Alamos, NM
Climbing Wall Information: click here.
The Family YMCA offers a variety of rock climbing courses, for adults and children, from basic skills to advanced technique. Private instruction and group rates are also available upon request. The gym is open to climbers of all ages. All climbers must have a signed liability/helmet waiver. Those under 18 must have a parent or legal guardian sign for them. All climbers 13 & up must pass a certification test to top-rope or lead climb belay. Children 12 and under must wear a helmet and be accompanied by an adult during scheduled and open gym hours.
The Santa Fe Climbing Center
825 Early Street, Suite A, Santa Fe, NM
e-mail: , Andre Wiltenburg, Owner
Adult Programs:
Youth Programs:
Stone Age Climbing Gym
4201 Yale Ave. NE, Suite I, Albuquerque, New Mexico 87107
Phone: 505-341-2016
FAX: 505-341-2015
e-mail: , Bryan Pletta, Owner
The Stone Age Climbing Gym is New Mexico's largest indoor rock climbing gym. Their climbing wall, located in Albuquerque, NM provides plenty of climbing terrain for climbers of any experience level. No matter what your vertical goals are, they have something to offer including memberships, a climbing school, group activities, birthday parties, team building, climbing guide services, summer camps and youth programs. lists 224 rock climbing gyms by state and city.
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