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Half Peak Backpack and Climb

Fri, 2020-08-07
Norbert Ensslin
Are dogs allowed?: 
Not allowed

This trip is a short backpack to climb Half Peak over the August 7-9 weekend.  Half Peak is a high Thirteener located in the San Juan mountains near Lake City, and is one of the top 100 peaks in Colorado.  Most of the route is on trails or grassy slopes.  However, the flat summit plateau has cliffs on three sides, and is accessed by scrambling along a narrow Class 2 ridge, with some exposure, on the South side.

The tentative plan is to drive up from Los Alamos on Friday morning, August 7, and backpack 4 miles in the afternoon to a camp above timberline near a small lake. Then we will climb the peak Saturday morning, relax in camp for the afternoon, and backpack out Sunday morning for the drive home.  However, depending on people’s schedules, we can also arrange to backpack in on Saturday, or backpack out a day early, etc.  During the trip, to maintain social distancing, each person or couple should drive separately, remain physically apart, and bring their own camping and cooking gear.  This trip is open to members of the Mountaineers who have some backpacking and mountaineering experience.  To sign up, please email ( or phone (662-1408).

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