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Cathedral Wash - Marble Canyon Region of Arizona

This report describes two routes in Cathedral Wash that I hiked on consecutive days.

Lower Cathedral Wash is a hiker-friendly canyon with some minor route finding and downclimbs.  It offers a good non-technical canyoneering experience with easy access and good photo opportunites.  This half-day hike ends at the Colorado River.

Upper Cathedral Wash is a challenging hiking experience that features wonderful views, interesting side canyons and varied topography.  The upper route is very steep, and route finding is difficult.  I used the guidebook “Hiking and Exploring the Paria River” by Michael R. Kelsey (6th edition), starting on page 236.  This is a full-day hike.

Evan Rose
Friday, March 13, 2020
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Trip Location: 
United States
36° 50' 6.5688" N, 111° 38' 21.84" W

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