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Bonal Springs Hike, Vermilion Cliffs Region of Arizona

My solo hike involved navigating steep cliffs to the top of the Sand HIlls Plateau.  This hike requires considerable route finding, hiking in steep terrain and an ascent up a steep crack to gain the plateau.

Terrain is varied and interesting, including some petrified wood.  The views looking south are rewarding.  There is a man-made "square spring" high on the cliff and an Anasazi ruin on the top of the plateau.  This is a lovely area, and the weather in mid-March was a lucky combination of light night-time precipitation and cool day-time temperatures.

For this hike I used the guidebook “Hiking and Exploring the Paria River” by Michael R. Kelsey (6th edition), starting on page 360.  The description of the route and the photos illustrating the route are essential.

Evan Rose
Thursday, March 19, 2020
Trip Location: 
Vermilion Cliffs
United States
36° 43' 48" N, 112° 2' 24" W

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