For the April Los Alamos Mountaineers' program, Gwendolyn Gallagher and Don Krier will tell of their adventures in the Dolomite range in Italy. There, soaring limestone towers reflect the alpenglow, and green plateaus contrast with rugged scree. In 2018, they backpacked the Alta Via 1 (High Route One) - a stunning high altitude trek that comprised 11 days, 100 miles, and 26,000’ of elevation gain/loss. In addition to seeing the remarkable natural beauty on the route, they stayed in rustic and lively mountain refuges and encountered historical remnants of the Italian front during World War I. When they finally had enough polenta, speck, and Spritz Aperol in the high country, they finished off their trip with a few mountain biking and via ferrata adventures.
The Mountaineer's monthly meetings are held on the fourth Thursday of every month. When held in person, that take place in the planetarium of the Pajarito Environmental Education Center (PEEC), 2600 Canyon Rd, Los Alamos, NM 87544. But for the April meeting, we continue to gather electronically, starting at 7:00 PM.
Anyone can register for the talk using the link below. Registrants will get an automatic email with the link and password to the Zoom call. We’ll also send out an email to everyone who is registered about an hour before the talk starts (so 6 PM on Tuesday, April 28) in case the original email got lost or buried.
Based on the success of the March electronic meeting, the Mountaineers are considering simulcasting future in-person meetings.
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