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hike/snowshoe up Pajarito Mountain

Sun, 2020-03-22
Jean Dewart
Leader Email: 
Are dogs allowed?: 

I am going to hike or snowshoe up Pajarito Mountain on Sunday - either go up the roads or hike up the slopes - both options possible.  If you'd like to join me, great, send me an email at

The Mountaineers board has discussed guidelines for hikes at this time, as follows:

1. Trip size limited to 10 to avoid crowding
2. No touching when we greet each other
3. Spread out to the 6-foot social distance when the group stops
4. Carpooling is not encouraged, contrary to standard Mountaineer practice, and should be arranged in advance.

5. The official starting and ending point for the trip is the trailhead (in this case, Pajarito Mountain Lodge).

6. Most important of all, do not take part if you are not feeling well

Please contact me by email if you would like to go ( Bring a lunch, water, and snowshoes or micro-spikes (or similar).  Starting time at the Pajarito Mountain lodge will be 10 AM.  We will be done by 1 pm or so.  

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