This month, Martin Staley and Tanja Pietraß will present photos of their July/August 2019 adventure to Iceland and Greenland, the main ingredient of which was a 10-day, approximately 100-mile backpack on Greenland's remote and beautiful Arctic Circle Trail, westward from Kangerlussuaq, near the ice cap, to Sisimiut on the coast.
Highlights of the trip included a long backpack's worth of remote and stunning scenery; hours-long rowing along a deep lake in a duct-taped canoe; surviving wildfires and raging rivers during our 10-day trek; Greenlandic and Greenlandish wildlife including musk oxen, caribou, hare-ibou (arctic jackalope), and mammoth; visiting Greenland's famed ice cap; sampling delicious Greenlandic cuisine; and a finale of sightseeing and hiking in Iceland.
The Mountaineers' monthly meetings are held on the fourth Tuesday of each month in the planetarium of the Pajarito Environmental Education Center (PEEC) 2600 Canyon Rd, Los Alamos, NM 87544
Social at 6:45. Reports of recent and upcoming trips at 7:05pm. Program to follow.
Visitors are always welcome! Free refreshments!
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