From Santa Fe Ski Basin, we will snowshoe via Raven's Ridge to Deception Peak. Round trip 6 miles, ~2500 feet elevation gain. This is a strenuous climb with potentially very cold and windy condition on the top.
In registering, participants will be asked about their experience in the recent snowshoeing experience. You need to bring your own snowshoe, and microspikes if you have them (maybe for the trail sections with poor snow/icy condition). Please bring water, snacks, lunch, trekking poles, and wear warm layered clothing, snow pants, snow jacket, hat, gloves, and gaiters. Backpacks will need to be large enough to store your jacket or sweater and have the functionality to carry snowshoe with carabiners from the outside.
We will leave Los Alamos at 7:20 from Sullivan Field with a stop at Santa Fe DeVargas Mall at 8 to pick up hikers before driving up to the Ski Basin. The trip is going to take 5 to 6 hours or more if we take additional breaks. Expect mid-afternoon or late-afternoon return.
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