Let's go to Cumbres Pass for a X-C ski trip!
There are 23" of snow at the Pass Wednesday morning - with about 2' forecast in the next 2 days. The weather should clearing Sat afternoon - so, I think the roads will be ok Sunday morning. And Sunday will be a partly sunny day. We will avoid skiing in any avalanche terrain, and the skiing will primarily be kick/gliding. Backcountry touring skis needed.
Leave LA at 7 am. Start skiing around 9:30/10 am from Cumbres Pass. Head towards Dixie Creek. There will be significan trail breaking with all the new snow - so, we may or may not make the Chama Valley overlook. (all will need to help with trail breaking)
Get back to the cars by ~3:30 pm. Drive home, back by 6 pm.
Snowshoers welcome - but, it will be lots of trailbreaking - so, we would need several folks to make this work - we would create a "sub-team".
Send me an email at jdewart@q.com if you can come!
(I might go again on Thurs Dec 5th, if you are interested)
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