The Los Alamos Mountaineers will host their annual Potpourri at Fuller Lodge Tuesday, December 17, 2019. The Potpourri is a heavenly stew, consisting of one part potluck and six parts ten-minute talks, simmered slowly in a delicious sauce of conversation and camaraderie. This is by far the most popular Mountaineers meeting of the year. Make your own early New Year's resolution to attend!
Come at 6pm to drop off your dishes and snack on appetizers; the main buffet line will open at 6:30PM; once dinner is well underway, the program will begin.
This is a Members Only event, so it is an excellent opportunity to renew or initiate your annual membership if you have not already done so. You can do this in person at the Lodge with cash or check or ahead of time with PayPal or credit card at
Membership for 2019 is still the bargain of $15 for individuals or $20 for families.
Enjoy the following talks:
Kristy Nadler: LAM Club trip to Zion NP
Beth Fairbanks: Hiking England coast to coast
Anita Boshier: Becoming a Mountaineer
Rob Whittle: Utah Canyoneering
Yu Chen: Pecos Baldy
Heidi Rogers: Winter adventure in Chama
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