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Full Moon Hike and Potluck Dinner

Wed, 2019-11-13
Jean Dewart
Leader Email: 
Are dogs allowed?: 

This trip is a joint PEEC/LAM event - registration is thru PEEC at:

Join PEEC, astrophysicist Galen Gisler, and Jean Dewart for a full moon night hike and fun potluck dinner.

Participants will meet at the Los Alamos Nature center at 5:30 PM in the classroom for the potluck dinner. PEEC will provide water, cups, plates, and utensils. Participants should bring a dish to share. At about 6:30 PM, the group will carpool to the trailhead for a short hike to view the full moon and night sky. The hike will be about 2 miles, round-trip. We will finish hiking by about 8:30 PM and return to the nature center.  (We will either hike on the Rim Trail in White Rock, or the trail on Kwage Mesa from the stables on North Mesa)

Hikers should dress for the weather. Wear layers and bring a hat and gloves. Bring a headlamp or flashlight (red lights are preferred for better star viewing).

Registration is required for this outing.

Admission: $8/family and $4/person for PEEC and Los Alamos Mountaineer members, $10/family and $5/person for non-members. 

(Well behaved dogs, on leash, are welcome on the hike, but are not allowed in the Nature Center)

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