In a repeat of a classic outing, let's head north over the Martin Luther King holiday weekend downhill/ crosscountry/ snowshoe around Monarch Pass. Signs so far are hopeful for the ski season, and snow at Monarch is generally reliable. We will head for Salida to establish a base in a comfortable house or cabin, and spend our days in winter sports in the Monarch Pass area. Either a Pajarito Powerpass or a Local Powerpass offers three free days at Monarch, and otherwise tickets are relatively inexpensive online. Age 69 and up is free; seniors are age 62-68. Monarch is a high Continental Divide ski area with wonderful views, and is skiing of the old fashioned kind, without the glitz and expense one finds farther north in Colorado. There are several snowshoe/XC options; a classic is the old Monarch Pass trail. Salida is an interesting town with some nice restaurants. There are even hiking options along the Arkansas River if we have a warm day.
We will drive up in the afternoon on Thursday, January 16, and stay in a rented house for four nights. We spend three full days doing winter sports, and will return on Monday the 20th, perhaps squeezing in a morning outing of some sort. Please let me know at if you are interested. I would appreciate a $150 deposit per person towards the house cost In the past the per person cost has been in the $150-200 range for the weekend, depending on how we fill the house. These have been wonderful weekends in the past, and I expect another.
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