Fall color hike:
From the Pajarito Canyon trailhead on West Jemez road, we will hike up on the Pajarito Canyon trail to the Townsite lift area and continue on to the top of Ski Hill. We will go off trail from here down the steep slope to connect to the Canon De Valle trail. This portion will go down almost 1000 feet in less than a mile. Once we are on the Valle trail it is mostly downhill hike to the Perimeter trail junction and then back on the Pajarito Canyon trail to the car.
This is a strenuous hike with a rocky off trail segment . Please bring enough water, dress in layers, and be prepared for conditions such as heat, rain, snow, wind, etc.
Total mileage: ~10 miles
Elevation gain of ~3000 feet
Dogs Allowed: well behaved dogs capable of hiking the listed distance and elevation gain.
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