Some of us who went to El Diente last summer have picked a new destination for this year: Phoenix Peak, over the August 16-18 weekend. Phoenix Peak (formerly called Unnamed 13,895') is in the eastern part of the San Juan mountains near Creede. This peak is a high Thirteener in an area that does not see a lot of visitors. It is one of the top 100 peaks in Colorado, so peak baggers take note! However, it is technically easier and less rocky than most of the Centennial peaks, with most of the route being on trails or grassy slopes. The plan is to drive up Friday morning, August 16, and backpack 2-3 miles in the afternoon to a camp near timberline. Then we will climb the peak Saturday morning, relax in camp for the afternoon, and backpack out Sunday morning for the drive home. This trip is open to members of the Mountaineers who have some backpacking and mountaineering experience. To sign up, please email ( or phone (662-1408).
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