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Cumbres Pass hiking weekend

Fri, 2019-08-16
Heidi Rogers
505 301 7504
Leader Email: 
Are dogs allowed?: 

Heidi Rogers is opening her home in the Brazos to be a base for a weekend of hiking at Cumbres Pass and vicinity.   We will have some suggestions about possible hiking destinations.  


We will drive up in the late afternoon on Friday August 16, and stay at the house through Sunday, for two days of hiking, returning Sunday evening. The per person cost will be ~$25 depending upon the number of participants.   We will organize the group to cook dinners and breakfasts together (lunches on your own).  Depending upon the group's interests, we will divide up into specific hikes for Sat/Sun.  


We have 2 rooms with king size beds and a loft with a king, a queen, a singe and two double bunk beds.  Max 10 - 12.  Dogs are allowed, but not too many - check with Heidi on this.  There is parking space available for 4-6 cars; so, we will want to have carpools.  


If you are interested (or have questions), send Heidi an email at  

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