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Ancho-Red Dot loop

Sat, 2019-05-04
Bill Priedhorsky
505 412 0376
Leader Email: 
Are dogs allowed?: 

This is a classic local shuttle hike along White Rock Canyon, going into the canyon on the Ancho Canyon trail, which leaves NM 4 between White Rock and Bandelier, and coming out along the Red Dot trail. The hike should total 7 miles and climb about 1200 feet; I expect it to be about 6 hours on the trail. Bring lunch, water, hat, and clothing suitable for whatever hot or cold or both the weather brings us. We will meet in Los Alamos at 8:00 AM, rendezvous with any White Rock folks about 15 min later, then shuttle cars to the Red Dot trailhead and then on to Ancho trailhead. On the way out, we will run the shuttle in reverse. Please join us for a lovely day, which will also be a bit of training for our upcoming Grand Canyon trip. We can discuss bringing well-behaved dogs.

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