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Pueblo Canyon Hike

Sat, 2019-04-13
Rachel Cowan
Are dogs allowed?: 
Not allowed

A nice hike in our own backyard: Pueblo Canyon and up into San Ildefonso slot canyon and cavern. We'll meet at the Los Alamos Coop at 8 a.m. and set out on the Pueblo Canyon Rim Trail. Then we'll drop about 500 feet down to the bottom of Pueblo Canyon via the Zipline Trail. After that, we head up a small canyon, which narrows into a slot canyon, with some scrambles over and under big boulders, and ends in a spectacular eroded cavern, 40-50 feet high. We re-trace our track back to our starting point, and we should be done at about 12-1 or so; in plenty of time to do Saturday chores :) About 5 miles round trip. Please contact the trip leader to let her know you are coming.

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