Join us for another hike around Plaza Blanca. This time we'll follow a trail one canyon over, walk through another slot canyon, climb a steep ridge for fabulous views, then descend into another canyon with an arch. We'll scramble up a basalt intrusion, and loop back to the trail. It's about 5 mi roundtrip, with much of it off-trail. There are a few steep hills to climb (about 300 ft up and down), and some spectacular geology to view.
We'll meet at the White Rock Y (parking lot at the intersection of NM-4 and NM-502) at 8 a.m. for car pooling to the trailhead about an hour away. Bring plenty of water and a hearty snack, which we'll eat along the hike. Dress warmly and in layers, there will be some wind and a small chance of rain. We should be done with the hike by noon-thirty or so.
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