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Ski Purgatory March 28-March 31

Thu, 2019-03-28
Bill Priedhorsky
Leader Email: 
Are dogs allowed?: 
Not allowed

What, another ski trip? Why not - this has been an epic season, and it is not done yet. Purgatory, our destination, has a base of 100 inches (!) and will be operating well into April. Folks with most Pajarito passes have some free days at Purgatory; if you don't have such a pass, please talk to me about using my buddy passes for a discount on this trip. We will leave after work on Thursday, March 28, perhaps at 4 PM, and drive to Durango. Based on the number of participants we will arrange lodging, renting a condo or house if there are enough of us. We will ski up at Purgatory on the 29th and 30th, and drive back to Los Alamos on the 31st. Let Bill know if you are interested.

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