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Tue Night Ski and Snowboard Runs (repeats weekly)

Tue, 2019-02-12
Tanja Pietrass
Leader Email: 
Are dogs allowed?: 
Not allowed

Join me for a weekly Tuesday night run up the ski hill. Meet at 5:30 pm at the end of the Pajarito Ski Hill parking lot . Look for my black Elantra. We'll skin/hike up (usually Pussycat) for one run down (or more if folks are up for it!). Bring a headlamp! It's still going to be dark for several weeks, and in the dark we'll stick to groomed runs. If you don't have skins, you can carry your stuff but you will be moving a lot more slowly (bring a backpack to strap your skis/board to) and working a lot harder. 

Note: Skiing/boarding in the dark with a headlamp is not hard (you just got to go slower!) but if you are a beginner and still insecure on your skis/board it is not a good idea. Keep in mind that with the colder evening temperatures the surface feels a lot harder and falling is much less fun. 

Please email/call me when joining so that I know to look for you.


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