Let's do a beginner snowshoe outing on East Fork trail on Saturday Feb 2. Participants should meet at the Los Alamos Nature Center at 9:15 a.m. or at the East Fork Trailhead at 10 a.m.
This is an outing co-sponsored with LAM and PEEC. Registration is at the PEEC website: https://peecnature.org/events/details/?id=27450
The outing will take about three hours and participants should plan to finish snowshoeing at about 1 p.m. This outing will be moderately difficult and participants will travel about 4 miles round trip on mostly flat terrain.
PEEC will have some snowshoes to lend to participants, but snowshoes and poles can also be rented from the County at the Aquatic Center. Find their rental rates and hours here.
Please bring water, snacks and trekking poles and wear warm layered clothing, snow pants, snow jacket, hat, gloves, hiking boots or snow boots, sunscreen/sun hat, and gaiters.
Registration is required for this outing. Space is limited to 15 people, so reserve your spot soon!
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