It's snow sport season. Yeah! Lets get together and refresh our avalache knowledge and do some transceiver exercises. It's promising to be a big snow year (dare I say it). The location is to be determined but probably in the TA/Chama area. I'm looking at locatons with enough snow to make it interesting, where we can play with our gear not far from the car, and then do something fun (it's all fun to me). If you have a suggestion please profer it. Los Alamos participants will rally at LANB at 7:15 departing nlt than 7:30. White Rock participants can meet us at the Y parking area at 7:40, and Santa Fe residents and others can meet us at Northern NM at 8:00. Plan for a burrito stop at Bode's or for any other biological needs.
Let me know if you have your own gear (transceiver, probe and shovel). Review your copy of 'Snow Sense', 'ABCs of Avalanche Safety', or other. Bring your near miss stories and a willingness to participate in setting and acting out transceiver searches. The number of participants will be limited to 12.
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You can also call or text me at 505 231-3561
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