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Tour Divide 2018, My Story

Tue, 2018-11-27

This presentation will discuss Jan Bear's experience participating in the 2018 Tour Divide, a 2725 mile mountain bike race from Banff, Canada to Antelope Wells, NM. The race is self supported, with navigation via GPS thru Alberta and British Columbia in Canada and Montana, Wyoming, Idaho, Colorado and New Mexico in the US. The event has been held annually for the last 20 years but the route has been modified over the years. The course includes approximately 180,000ft of climbing as well as temperatures ranging from below freezing to over 100 degrees. You are at the mercy of the elements which are constantly changing. Now it's your turn!


Trip Location: 
United States
51° 30' 31.4712" N, 115° 55' 39.8424" W

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