Do you know what to do when someone is hurt, sick, or lost in the outdoors? This two-day SOLO Wilderness First Aid (WFA) course will cover the basics of how to help someone in need of first aid. It will help you know what to do in a variety of scenarios and accidents. This is a great opportunity for outdoor enthusiasts, trip leaders, or people who spend time in remote, rural, or disaster-prone areas. The class will meet both Saturday and Sunday, November 3 and 4, from 8 AM to 5 PM, at PEEC 2600 Canyon Road, Los Alamos.
Participants will be emailed a list of supplies to bring. The course fee includes two eight-hour days of instruction/practice/scenarios, a textbook, WFA certification good for 2 years, and a catered lunch on Saturday. Participants will need to bring their own sack lunch on Sunday.
SOLO Instructor Jeff DeBellis has spent more than ten years living and teaching in remote and rural locations. He has led somewhere between 500 and 1,000 trips throughout the desert Southwest, Rocky Mountains, Appalachian Mountains, Central America, and Haiti. In addition to teaching for SOLO, he works as a geographer at The University of New Mexico Health Sciences Center. He is also a regular contributor to the Wilderness Medicine Newsletter and a variety of other publications.
Advance registration is required. Please use the PEEC website:
Mountaineers members
Admission: $200/member, $240/non-member.
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