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Fall Equinox Hike and Potluck

Sun, 2018-09-23
Jean Dewart
Leader Email: 
Are dogs allowed?: 

This hike is a joint LAM/PEEC hike; registration is at the PEEC website (see below).

Let's celebrate the Fall Equinox with a potluck social dinner and a night hike on Sunday, September 23.

The potluck dinner will be held at the Los Alamos Nature Center at 5 p.m. in the classroom. Bring a dish to share with the group. The nature center will provide water, cups, plates, and utensils. After eating dinner and enjoying the company of fellow hikers, the group will carpool to the trailhead at about 6 p.m. We are still determining the location for this short evening hike. Potential locations include Cañada Bonita trail from the Pajarito Mountain Ski Area or the Los Alamos Reservoir from the Ice Rink.

The hike will be about 2 miles, roundtrip. The group plans to return to the nature center by about 8:30 p.m. Hikers should dress appropriately for the weather. Wear layers and bring a hat and gloves. All hikers should also have a headlamp or flashlight.

Admission: $8/family and $4/person for PEEC and Los Alamos Mountaineer members, $10/family and $5/person for non-members. 

(dogs are allowed on the hike, but are not allowed in the Nature Center)

Register at:

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