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Bandelier Classic Hike

Sat, 2018-08-25
Rachel Cowan
Are dogs allowed?: 
Not allowed

Now that the weather has cooled off, join us for a classic Bandelier Hike: the Middle Frijoles Trail going up Rito de Frijoles. We meet at Ponderosa Campground and set up a shuttle to Juniper Campground. From there, we'll head down the Frey Trail, up the Middle Frijoles Trail to the Ponderosa Trail, and end back at Ponderosa Campground. The shuttle back to Juniper Campground will get everyone back to their cars. Rain is predicted for later in the day, so let's get an early start, meeting at 7:30 at Ponderosa Campground to start the shuttle. The hike is about 9 miles, with a steep drop of 600 ft into the canyon on the Frey Trail, a gentle uphill 7 mile stretch (gain of 1000 feet) along the newly rebuilt Middle Frijoles Trail and a steep 600 ft climb up to the rim on the Ponderosa Trail. Bring rain gear. Please contact the trip leader if you plan to join us.

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