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Wilsons Group Fourteener Trip

Fri, 2018-07-20
Norbert Ensslin
Are dogs allowed?: 
Not allowed

I'm proposing a trip to the Wilson Group of fourteeners, in the western part of the San Juan mountains, over July 20-22.  This will be a short backpack and peak climb, assuming that the San Juan National Forest is still open at that time.  The Wilson Group consists of Wilson Peak, Mt. Wilson, Gladstone Peak, and El Diente Peak.  These peaks are among the more difficult fourteeners and thirteeners, but I'm hoping to do just one peak, and by the easiest route.   Two possible choices are El Diente from the Kilpacker trailhead (11.5 miles round trip, Class 3) or Wilson Peak from the Navajo Lake trailhead (17.1 miles round trip, Class 3).  One possible schedule is to drive up Friday morning, July 20, and backpack in 4-6 miles in the afternoon.  Then climb a peak early Saturday morning, relax for the afternoon, and backpack out on Sunday morning for the drive home.  However, we can decide together if we want to modify this schedule to spend more or less time in the mountains.  This trip is open to members of the Mountaineers.  To sign up, please email ( or phone (662-1408).


Trip report by Evan Rose, HERE

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