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Comb Ridge/Cedar Mesa/White Canyon hiking Oct. 24-28

Wed, 2018-10-24
Bill Priedhorsky
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In a revival of an old tradition, I'd like spend a hiking weekend based in Bluff, Utah, which is the closest corner of the canyon country, just 5 1/2 hours drive from Los Alamos. Going in late October, we should have fine, cool weather, perfect for exploring the slick rock and ruins in the vicinity of Bluff, farther afield in the canyons that carve into Comb Ridge, in the canyons that drain Cedar Mesa, and in White Canyon and its tributaries. We spend many winter long weekends in the vicinity, but haven't been back since 2009. An old trip report can be found at

As a base for our explorations, I've reserved a 5-bedroom house in Bluff, Utah from Wednesday, Oct. 24 through Sunday, Oct. 28. We can organize dinners together at the house, and socialize there in the evenings. For the total 4 nights that we are staying, the rooms should run about $200-250 each, a little more for double occupancy and less for single occupancy.  We'll drive up in the afternoon or evening of Wednesday Oct. 24, spend 3 days hiking, then, after a little morning outing, drive back to Los Alamos on Sunday the 28th. I'd like to do at least one explore in the White Canyon vicinity, maybe into the lower section of Cheesebox Canyon (but not into its wet upper narrows - see

To hold a place in the house ( I would appreciate a deposit of $150 per person. Sincerely, Bill

Just one of many ruins in the Bluff vicinity

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