Let's hike the Ancho Canyon to Blue Dot trail along the Rio Grande River trail - it is a beautiful local winter-time hike.
It is a 9.5 mile hike, with 1300' descent near the beginning of the hike and 1000' ascent at the end of the hike. We'll stop to see Ancho Rapid, and then hike the River trail north, past the Red Dot Trail to the Blue Dot trail.
Let's meet at Sullivan Field in Los Alamos at 7:30 am. This is a one-way hike, so we will carpool, and spot car(s) at the Blue Dot trailhead (at the White Rock Overlook Park), then drive to the trailhead south of White Rock on State Rte 4.
Bring lunch, water for the day, and clothing suitable for the weather.
(There is no technical rock climbing on this trip - it is a Class 1-2 hiking trail)
Please send an email to jdewart@q.com if you would like to join. Hope you can make it.
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