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Cancelled: Buckskin Gulch To Paria Canyon Backpack

Fri, 2018-03-23
Jafer Martin
Leader Email: 
Are dogs allowed?: 
Not allowed

Unfortunately, due to too much water in this narrow canyon, this trip has been cancelled. 3/18/18


I have a permit for 5 people March 24 & 25 for Buckskin/Paria Canyon in far north Arizona. Its an overnight backpack, starting at the Buckskin Gulch trailhead, going down Buckskin Gulch then going up Paria Canyon to exit at White House. Because of the dates (it was the only dates that I could get that week), we will have to drive there Friday, leave a car at the Whitehouse trailhead for a shuttle, then start hiking on Saturday. In order to recoup permit costs, this trip is $10 per person.

This involves hiking hiking 21 miles over 2 days, some scrambling/downclimbing including handline work, and wading in water. In order to check out the hike and see if you’re interested please go to: in order to see a really nice trip report with pictures.

This trip will be cancelled if there is possibility of rain on the days of the hike, as flash flooding while in these canyons would be horrible. Email me if you want to go! 

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