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Wheeler Peak

Sun, 2017-10-01
Bill Priedhorsky
505 412 0376
Leader Email: 
Are dogs allowed?: 
Not allowed

Trusting that our beautiful fall weather continues a bit longer, I invite you to join me for one of New Mexico’s classic outings: a climb up Wheeler Peak, at 13,162 feet the high point in the state. This is a strenuous but non-technical hike that covers about 8 miles and climbs 3,200 feet. We will ascend from Williams Lake, which will be a first for me - it has been a while, and my last trip to the summit took the old Bull of the Woods route. A good route writeup can be found here.


We will leave Los Alamos at 7:30 AM on Saturday, September 30, and hope to be on the trail by about 9:30. I’m expecting a full day’s outing, arriving back at the trailhead no later than 6 PM. A celebration at the Bavarian restaurant will follow, although there may be some participants who head directly back to Los Alamos.


Participants should be in reasonably good shape and prepared for the thin air at the summit. Bring clothing that works just in case it is cold or wet, 2 liters of water, lunch, sunscreen, hat, etc. Please contact Bill Priedhorsky if you would like to go; he will arrange a meeting place and carpooling.

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