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Mountaineers Achievement List


Colorado 14'ers

  • Dave Brown, Gary and Lynn Clark, Bob Cowan, Norbert Ensslin, Jason Halladay, Chris Horley, Carles Mader (1958), Len Margolin, Gene Tate, Toni Taylor, and Stuart Trugman

Colorado Centennial Peaks

  •  Paul Bradly, Barry Smith, Steve Reneau, David Rogers, Toni Taylor


Toni Taylor

The centennial peaks - add photo


John Pianezze

In summer 2021, I climbed 29 colorado 14ers and 5  Centennials. Then in 2022, I climbed another 6 of the 14ers, and a few more centennials.


 Robert D. Cowan 

completed all the Colorado 14ers, but he died in 2018


Brett Kettering 

48 of 50 state high points. I’ve been to the base of Gannett, but did not make the top. I will likely return for one more try. 


Paul Bradley

started the 14ers back in 1996. I finished them with Pyramid Peak on September 4, 2007. 
I finished the Centennials with Jagged Mountain on September 6, 2015. 
I'm at 197 of the highest 202 in Colorado. 


Jean Dewart - started summer 1978 and finished summer of 1994.


Steve Reneau 

14ers, 9/4/93 (Mt Eolus) to 9/19/07 (Longs Pk). Photo of me on Castle Pk, 9/6/05.
Finished section-hiking the CDT 8/23/23, on a trip to Glacier N.P. Hiked my 1st piece of the trail 9/9/89 (in the Weminuche Wilderness, CO), and started longer section hikes August 2014. Photo of me at the border attached (on the Canadian side without my passport!).


Gary Clark

 I climbed the Ellingwood Arete on Crestone Needle in 1975.  Much later upon moving to NM and joining the LAM, my wife Lynn and I set out to do all 54 summits recognized at that time.

We finished last year in Sep. with our ascent of Long's Peak vie the Keyhole route.  I had climbed the East Face decades earlier, but this was Lynn's first time on the mountain.  Attached is a photo of her on the summit showing "54" with her fingers.

Andrew and Sarah Thien

 Sarah and I have climbed 99 of the Centennials. Just one to go!



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