Arizona Saguaro by Beth Van
Annual Membership Renewal:
For your convenience we will have a membership table
set up at the December meeting. Dues are currently $15 for an
individual, or $20 for a family. Checks payable to the "Los
Alamos Mountaineers", or cash, are acceptable. New members must
sign a waiver.
Please contact membership
secretary, Carolyn Bell at
with questions.
Highly sought-after Mountaineer's swag will be awarded
for triumphant presentations!
will include: 'Most dangerous', 'Most foolhardy', and
'Most OMG I have to start packing!'
Wednesday, December 21,
"LAM Potpourri
Slide Show
& Annual Dinner Meeting"
by LAM Board
& Club Members
Our monthly
meetings are always open to the public, and you do not need to
live in Los Alamos to belong to the LA Mountaineers.
Potluck Dinner: our meal
will include 'Bob's Bodacious' barbeque brisket, and Chocolate
Maven cake provided by the club (water will also be available).
Please bring a
side dish to complement the meal, as well as your own
plates and utensils. Dinner will be served
at 6:45pm, so an arrival time of 6:30pm is requested.
Please provide
2 serving utensils for your dish, as we will have a double
line set up. If you provide something that appeals to those with
special dietary needs, such as vegetarian, gluten free, sugar
free, low fat, etc., it would be nice to note it with a Post-it
for those watching ingredients.
Note: there is no charge for
members to attend this dinner meeting except updating your dues. Non-members are asked to
become members for the tiny fee of $15/singe or $20/family.
Why become a member?
Potpourri Slide
Show: our December meeting will include six great 10-minute talks given by
our own members, which describe incredible
trips and treks, gorgeous areas, and amazing feats (Our program
will begin at 7:30pm):
Dan Creveling:
Canyoneering in Zion.
Brett Kettering: High
Point Circle of MT, ID, UT, NE, SD, and ND.
Evan Rose and Micheal Altherr:
Summer and Winter Huts.
Pete Karpius: Telluride Via
Momo Vuyisch: Death Valley.
Kelly Gallagher: